free ports

美 [friː pɔːrts]英 [friː pɔːts]
  • n.自由港
  • free port的复数
free portsfree ports

free ports


  • 1
    N-COUNT (免征关税的)自由港,自由口岸
    A free port is a port or airport where goods can be brought in from foreign countries without payment of duty if they are going to be exported again.

  1. Asia , US , EU and some free ports are China 's main sources of FDI .


  2. Only all sorts of ports integrated can they possess the whole functions of world-class free ports .


  3. The hub 's location is highlighted below . Additional free ports are shown in bold type .


  4. But the free ports are drawing more criticism and concern , namely : Are they bad for art ?


  5. Free ports are established where buyers can purchase goods from all over the world without paying customs duties .


  6. Free ports originated in the 19th century for the temporary storage of goods like grain , tea and industrial goods .


  7. Collectors and dealers choose to store art in the free ports for more pedestrian reasons than tax avoidance .


  8. Used to match for load of the free ports in network transmission devices and need to install and uninstall with specialized tools .


  9. With their controlled climates , confidential record keeping and enormous potential for tax savings , free ports have become the parking lot of choice for high-net-worth buyers looking to round out investment portfolios with art .


  10. Despite enhanced Swiss efforts to track inventory and ownership , the free ports there remain an opaque preserve ( though more transparent these days than counterparts in places like Singapore ) , filled with objects whose ownership can be confoundingly convoluted .


  11. Most of the well-known major ports in the world are free trade ports , which are generally considered as free trade zones .


  12. It added that the Yangtze River Delta urban cluster should make great efforts to attract foreign investment and talent while testing free trade ports and making foreign trade easier .


  13. The author considered that we can understand basic principle of laws and regulations of the free trade ports by comparing analysis , that is paying much attentions on support functions of legal systems .


  14. Feel free to add the ports that you want open .


  15. Brief introduction of the Free Zones and Free Ports in Uruguay


  16. The establishment and development of Free trade zones , or someone says as free ports , has played an important role in the prosperity of regional economy and promotion of trade .
